Contact Us
Serteca Corp.
Box 6847, Station D
Calgary, Alberta, T2P 2E9
Phone: 1.403.239.9544

About Us

Serteca Corp. is an Alberta company which provides project management to the Oil and Gas industry. The company’s primary focus is on the provision of office consulting services and field supervisory services in Western Canada.

The company is owned and managed by Robert A. (Bob) Browning, a senior operations and projects manager with a diverse background in drilling, workovers and production operations. The company is adept at taking projects from concept through full cycle. Experienced both domestically and internationally and is skilled at solving varied project and management problems using a team approach.

Serteca Corp. has several years of experience both in field operations and office project management. It has managed day to day field operations for several Oil and Gas Companies.

Our Services

Serteca Corp is capable of managing the following Client projects:

  1. Well Planning / Drilling Operations, Well licensing, drilling programs, AFE preparation, selection of services, supervision of field personnel.
  2. Completion/Workover Operations, Preparation of completion programs, AFE preparation, selection of services, notification of flaring, setting of production equipment, supervision of field personnel.
  3. Facilities/Pipeline Construction, Site or pipeline survey, applications to regulatory bodies, land agents for surface acquisition, coordinate design of facilities, supervision of field personnel.
  4. Field Supervisory Services, of completions, workovers and field construction.

Serteca Corp. is associated with several companies that provided special services in areas outside of its expertise. These services as a normal course of business are billed directly to the client.